
Lisandro Leon

Lisandro was born in Tijuana, Mexico and spent most of his youth in San Diego, California. He earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southern California. Prior to pursuing his PhD at the University of Utah, he worked primarily in the defense industry on various things including satellites, UAVs, lasers, optics, and tracking systems.



email: l.leon "AT"

Journal Publications

L. Leon, F. M. Warren, and J. J. Abbott, "Optimizing the Magnetic Dipole-field Source for Magnetically Guided Cochlear-implant Electrode-array Insertions", J. Medical Robotics Research, 3(1):1850004, 2018.

L. Leon, F. M. Warren, and J. J. Abbott, "An In-vitro Insertion-force Study of Magnetically Guided Lateral-wall Cochlear-implant Electrode Arrays", Otology & Neurotology, 39(2):e63-e73, 2018.

L. Leon, M. S. Cavilla, M. B. Doran, F. M. Warren, and J. J. Abbott, "Scala-Tympani Phantom with Cochleostomy and Round-Window Openings for Cochlear-Implant Insertion Experiments," J. Medical Devices, 8(041010):1-10, 2014.
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J. R. Clark, L. Leon, F. M. Warren, and J. J. Abbott, "Magnetic Guidance of Cochlear Implants: Proof-of-Concept and Initial Feasibility Study," J. Medical Devices, 6(035002):1-8, 2012.
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Conference Publications

J. R. Clark, L. Leon, F. M. Warren, and J. J. Abbott, "Investigation of Magnetic Guidance of Cochlear Implants," IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 1321-1326, 2011.

R. H. Boucher, E. J. Beiting, K. W. Rausch, B. S. Wheeler, and L. Leon, "Modeling the imaging performance of ground-based telescopes", 2008 AMOS Conference, Instrumentation Design

J. Stapp, E. L. Cuellar, B. Spivey, L. Chen, L. Leon, K. Hughes, and D. Sandler, “Dynamic Simulation of a Multiple Beam Fourier Telescopy Imaging System”, 2006 AMOS Conference, Telescopes And Sensors

J. Stapp, B. Spivey, L. Chen, L. Leon, K. Hughes, D. Sandler, and E. L. Cuellar, “Simulation of a Fourier Telescopy Imaging System for Objects in Low Earth Orbit”, 2006 SPIE Conference, Unconventional Imaging 2, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6307, 630701 (2006); DOI: 10.1117/12.676284

Page last modified on February 12, 2018, at 05:38 PM