Devin DaltonDevin Dalton is a Major in the United States Air Force. He earned the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering at Utah State University. He earned the M.S. degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, where his thesis research was titled "Ground Target Overflight and Orbital Maneuvering via Atmospheric Maneuvers". He is working toward his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering (Robotics Track) at the University of Utah, investigating magnetic methods applied to the remediation of space debris.
PublicationsD. K. Dalton, G. F. Tabor, T. Hermans, and J. J. Abbott, "Attracting Conductive Nonmagnetic Objects With Rotating Magnetic Dipole Fields", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4):11484-11491, 2022.